Survival Game University Project
This was a game made for the game engine programming module I had in my second year of university; it was the first time I had made a 3D game. The game was developed in unity using the universal render pipeline and the initial idea for the game was to create a survival game with a day night cycle that wiped the players progression after a week where after they would retain certain stats and start again, the original scope was reduced to better fit inline with the module specifications as well as the time scale I had to create the game. The final game had crafting and gathering elements as well as an inventory system that the player would be able to hold and keep track of items that need to traded with ai characters around the map in order to gather the correct items to build a boat and get off the island before the end of the game day/night cycle. There were many systems made for this game rather than it having a fully fleshed out game loop the first system created was a day night cycle as well as the players ability to destroy certain environmental objects later the ai characters where added with a dialogue and trading systems the most complex systems for the game where the inventory and crating systems as these where some of the first system that I tried to decouple from the rest of the code.