University Group Project
Too many zombies was a group project developed as part of a module. The initial idea that the group came up with was to create a zombie game with random weapons in a rouge like game style. Initially I was tasked with creating the character controller and random the character controller was not too much of an issue due to my prior work but it did teach me a lesson in using the newer unity input system which was used to allow for controller support as well as keyboard and mouse. After creating the character controller I was informed that some members of the group where struggling with their parts of the game so I move to help them, this lead to me creating the weapon system which allowed the player to scope in and collect new weapons off of the floor after creating this system it allowed me to start of randomising the weapons. Towards the end of the project I moved to work on implementing the audio system as well as the games UI while other team members worked on creating the AI and map. Although this was a tough project in the time set it taught me about working in a team as well as a lot about source control in a larger scale project with other people working on it as the same time.
The random weapon system I created worked off scriptable objects where when a weapon was spawned from the loot pool it would choose one of the scriptable object and read it which would change all of the weapons attributes to act as a different weapon. This allowed for quick creation of new weapons as well as different rarity levels. Once the weapons where finished I added an in world UI that tracked the players movement in order to face the player and display the weapon state when within a certain range.
Source code here!